EUINCOOP Cooperation with other Projects

PlanetHPC – A unique forum for European researchers and industrialists to identify the research challenges facing High Performance Computing (HPC).

EUCLID – Strengthening EU-India collaboration in networked monitoring and control systems technologies.

RISC -Project aims at deepening strategic R&D cooperation between Europe and Latin America in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC).

APOS-EU - Looking to foster collaborative research between European and Russian scientists. APOS will investigate technologies and develop tools for the software challenges encountered by computational scientists in the face of new trends in high-performance computing architecture development.

SCC-Computing - Aims at establishing a strategic collaboration with the host and developer of this computer system in China to explore a range of research issues.

HOPSA (HOlistic Performance System Analysis) - Project aims to create an integrated diagnostic infrastructure for combined application and system tuning.

Ideal-ist: an international ICT partner search network addressing ICT companies and research organizations worldwide wishing to find project partners for a participation in FP7.

BIC: Building International Cooperation (BIC) for Trustworthy ICT expands the co-operation models of EU researchers and programme management with their peers in new ICT high-growth countries, specifically Brazil, India and South Africa.

SYNCHRONISER - Enhancing the impact of the significantly progressing EU-India research policy dialogues in the Information Technology.